Useful Links

A collection of links to insightful and inspiring articles, activities, materials, and strategies.


Why is classroom dialogue so important? 

A well-articulated justification, grounded in research and theories of knowledge, for dialogue and discussion as a teaching tool.

Bohm Dialogue 

A dialogue-based approach to learning which shares many characteristics with Harkness (though it predates it).

Resource Collections

Strategies for Classroom Dialogue 

A variety of articles and classroom resources related to discussion-based teaching and learning.  Highlights include a Ted Talk on Harkness, an insightful definition of Harkness, and a collection of assessment tools

The Big List of Class Discussion Strategies 

Focused, inclusive discussions require a certain amount of planning of both preparation materials and structure.  To that end, this article presents 15 possible discussion structures you can try out in your Harkness classes. 

Diana Davis's Teaching Site 

Diana Davis is a professor of math who uses Harkness in many of her courses. Her site hosts a wide range of materials, but perhaps the most interesting are her recorded Harkness sessions (this too) and her guide to creating a discussion-based math class.

Harkness Teaching Tools 

A collection of tools for assessing discussion from Phillips Exeter Academy.
